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A week on Tresco painting with a group from Newlyn Art School led by Paul Lewin
Cook's Porth, Tresco
I was sheltering from a fierce wind amongst the granite boulders - at one point my painting board blew out of my hands and down the beach - thankfully landing right side up
Men-a-vaur from Gimble Porth, Tresco
Halfway through this painting it started to pour with rain - we took shelter in the old heliport building and I finished the painting by reference to notes in my sketchbook
St Helen's from Green Porth, Tresco
The lighthouse is on Round Island which is behind St Helen's
Helvear Down, St Mary's from Pentle Bay, Tresco
The day was warm and started out with hazy sunshine - but the wind got up and it became increasingly cloudy. It turned out to be an unexpectedly good day for painting
Helvear Down, St Mary's from Pentle Bay, Tresco
Looking in the same direction. The tide was coming in, inundating the weed-covered patches of rock
St Martin's from Pentle Bay, Tresco
Whale-like granite boulders in browns and greys